Operating in the Mile High City of Denver, CO

Project Blog

Product Photography E-Commerce | Craft Concentrates

Product Photography E-Commerce | Craft Concentrates

For this series of projects I worked full-time for Craft Concentrates for a year creating a variety of product photography, lifestyle product photography, cultivation photography and using the images across marketing materials. The majority of the project was captured using Sony A7rii x Sony 90mm F2.8 GM and edit using Adobe Lightroom with a variety of product and e-commerce presets. Craft Concentrates used the images for a variety of purposes including their e-commerce website, social media, sales pamphlets, ordering menus, print marketing materials and also for website content (see other examples from their website below). I helped Craft open new revenue streams for their business by polishing their e-commerce store, creating content for and launching their YouTube channel (now over 10,000 views โ€” see here) and adding their โ€˜Panacea Batteryโ€™ to their Shopify store. This project was completed by Frankieboy Photography with creative direction and marketing coordination from Emily Sellers (Bold Gal Collective).

Photographer: F. Spontelli
Edit by: F. Spontelli